
With the TGV
to the Europapark and Paris

From 11 December 2022, you can travel from Ringsheim station to both Europapark and Paris.

Every day, the TGV departs from Paris Gare l’Èst (East Station) at 17:25 and arrives in Ringsheim at around 20:02.

On Friday there is an additional connection at 12:46 and on Saturday at 7:58.

From Ringsheim, the TGV departs at 6.56 am during the week and at 7.29 am on Saturday and Sunday, arriving at Paris East Station at 9.35 am and 10.05 am respectively.

We will be happy to pick you up at the station by prior arrangement.

TGV in Herbholzheim

Events in Europa Park

This year there are again numerous events at Europa Park.

We will be happy to get you tickets for your desired event after consultation and subject to availability.

Bundesliga VIP Trip

Experience SC Freiburg as a VIP!

As a special highlight we offer our guests the visit of a Bundesliga match in the brand new and only 20 minutes away Europa-Park Stadium in Freiburg!

"Badischer" Wine Cycle Route

Der Badische Weinradweg verbindet auf rund 460 Kilometer die badischen Weinregionen MarkgräflerlandKaiserstuhlTunibergBreisgauOrtenauKraichgau und Badische Bergstraße.

Wein und Radeln – was will man mehr?

In Grenzach an der Deutsch-Schweizer Grenze beginnt der Badische Weinradweg und führt seinen Weg über den Isteiner Klotz durch das Markgräflerland fort. Tuniberg und Kaiserstuhl laden ein, weiter Richtung Norden zu fahren und die terrassenförmigen Weinberge zu erkunden. Alternativ kann auch die Variante vorbei an Freiburgs Altstadt und dem Glottertal gewählt werden. Durch die Weinhänge des Breisgaus kommt der Radler in die Ortenau

Eine kostenlose Übersichtskarte vom Badischen Weinradweg können Sie im Online-Prospektservice der Schwarzwaldtouristik GmbH bestellen. 

The stages

The route collects a total of over 3,000 metres in altitude and runs mostly on asphalt paths. Perfect for cycling with an e-bike.

The stages at a glance:

The Badische Wine Cycle Route crosses seven of the nine Baden wine-growing areas. In the Lake Constance wine-growing area, the region can be discovered on the 260-kilometre Lake Constance Cycle Path, and in the Tauberfranken wine-growing area, the Tauber Valley Cycle Path leads through the region for about 100 kilometres.


Breisgauallee 6
79336 Herbolzheim

Telefon: +49 (0) 7643 / 935-0

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